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Talent Festival - June 3, 2018
St. Andrews youth group would like to invite all to their annual talent festival on June 3rd from 2-7:30pm. There will be food, games,...

Lessons Learned from Noah
1. Don't miss the boat. 2. Remember that we are all in the same boat. 3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. 4....

New Stained Glass Windows
"[Last month,] the new stained glass windows [were] delivered and installed in the Church, behind the altar and behind our choir. There’s...

Free Catholic Church Wedding
Register today for a free Catholic Church Wedding to be held at St. Andrew Church on Saturday, July 28, 2018

All you can eat CRAB!
In celebration of St. Andrew Church's 50th Anniversary, join us for a Crab Fest on Saturday, April 21, 2018 at 6pm. There will be all you...

Join us on March 17 from 1 - 4pm
Join Fr. Piers, Fr. Ngoan, Deacon Tony and Deacon Noel in St. Andrew Church on Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 1 - 4 pm for a "Journey to...

2018 Lenten Activities Calendar
Theme: We are the Prodigal Children of God Download Calendar (PDF) - Click Here to View Friday, February 16 & 23 6:30pm - Stations of the...

Join SVdP's Stores Lenten Challenge
During Lent, God is inviting you to become the best version of yourself. It is a time to examine your life and form life changing...

Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
Join us at St. Andrew Church for Ash Wednesday Mass. There will be three Masses: 9AM, 12:15PM, and 7PM.

Amazon Shopper? Support St. Vincent de Paul!
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that...
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