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Our Patron Saint

Andrew, The Apostle

There are many stories about St. Andrew that have been passed down
through tradition, however many cannot be confirmed. What is known is
that Andrew is one of Jesus Christ's original twelve Apostles. Like his
brother Simon (later called Peter), Andrew made his living as a fisherman
on the Sea of Galilee. He was known as "Protocletus" (the First Called)
because he was the first Apostle to be called by Jesus into His service.

Stories of His Mission

Andrew began his missionary activity in the Provinces of Vithynia and
Pontus the southern shores of the Black Sea. Later he journeyed to the
City of Byzantium and founded the Christian Church there, and ordained
the first Bishop of Byzantium, Stachys, who was one of the 70 disciples of
the Lord.

His Crucifixion

These conversions to the Christian Faith by members of his own family infuriated the Proconsul Aegeates, and he decided, with the urging of the idolators who advised him, to crucify Andrew. The crucifixion was carried out on an X-shaped cross with the body of the Apostle upside down so that he saw neither the earth nor his executioners, only the sky which he glorified as the heaven in which he would meet his Lord.

His Reburial

In the month of March in the year 357 the Emperor Constantine (son of Constantine The Great) ordered that the body of St. Andrew be removed from Patras and be reinterred in the Church of the Holy Apostles in 
Constantinople. With all the magnificence and honor of the Byzantine Empire and the Great Church of Christ at Constantinople, St. Andrew was returned to the City that had first heard the message of Jesus 
Christ from his lips. Thus he became death, as well as in life, the founder of the Great Church of Christ in Constantinople.

The Patron Saint

The deeds and preaching of St. Andrew became known in all parts of the world. According to tradition a part of the remains of St. Andrew were taken to Scotland, and he was chosen as the Protector of the 
Scottish people. The Cross of St. Andrew also adorns the British flag where it was placed after the union of Scotland and England. The skull of St. Andrew was kept in Patras until the year 1460 when Thomas 
Paleologos, the last ruler of the Morea brought the skull to Rome. In 1967, under the orders of Pope Paul, the skull was returned to Patras with al of the pomp and dignity of the Papal State. He remains the patron 
saint of Russia, Scotland and Romania to this day.

The Call of St. Andrew

Today the voice of Saint Andrew continues to call on all Christians, whose feast day is celebrated on November 30th in the liturgical year. His unstilled spirit beckons across the centuries proclaiming: "The 
Saviour of the world has come! He is the Christ, the Son of God!" This is the call of Saint Andrew to all men for "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow" (Hebrews 13:8).

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